One thing that clients repeatedly ask for are time-saving tips and shortcuts that they can use while navigating SAP using SAP GUI. A few years ago, I started a collection of exactly that. I would like to share them here in a series called ‘SAP Tips and Tricks’.
MICHAEL’S NOTE (9/14/2023): This is an early article of mine, but I must say that it is still relevant. While the world slowly moves to SAP S/4HANA and the new Fiori interface, these Tips and Tricks below still work for those clinging to the SAP GUI front end. I hope to one day write a Tips and Tricks for Fiori, but Fiori is quickly evolving and many of its shortcomings are being addressed.
SAP Tips and Tricks: User Interface Shortcuts
The table below contains some handy SAP GUI user interface shortcuts and transactions. Some of these are going to be no-brainers for people who have been using SAP for a while. I think all of these should apply to SAP GUI 7.10 or later.
User Interface Shortcuts
Takes the user to the root SAP Easy Access menu from anywhere.
/n + [T-code]
Takes the user directly to the desired T-code from anywhere. For example, “/nVA01” will take the user directly to the Create Sales Order screen.
/* + [T-code]
Like ‘/n + [T-code]’, but takes the user directly into the desired T-code with the last values used. For example, “/*XD02” will take the user directly into change mode screen for the last customer you were changing. Thanks to Joedy for sharing this.
Closes all windows for the current system/client and logs off of SAP.
Alone, it will generate an “Overview of Sessions” screen for the current system. It also allows you to generate a new session.
/o + [T-code]
When used as a prefix to a transaction code, it will open the target transaction in a new window. For example, “/ova01” will open up the Create Sales Order screen in a new window.
Use this key combination on a variety of screens to grab several lines of text or several cells of values in a table. Results can be pasted just about anywhere including Word, Excel, and Outlook. After you hit Ctrl-Y, you will see the mouse pointer turn to a cross-hair. You can then select values from ALV tables, SAPscript reports, etc.
This t-code is available on most newer versions of ECC. It will allow you to perform a text search for a specific transaction code or text string and returns all possible menu paths to arrive at related t-codes.
This T-code allows the user to search for Transaction Codes using one or two text strings.It returns a list of transaction codes and descriptions matching the query.
I’m always looking to add new items to this list. Please share if you have any favorites that I’m missing. Stay tuned for more SAP Tips and Tricks.
16 thoughts on “SAP Tips and Tricks Part 1: User Interface Shortcuts”
/* + [t-code] acts just like/n + [t-code] but bypasses the first screen with using the default entry that SAP saved. ex – if viewing a sales order that as already viewed, this will by pass the first entry screen and uses whatever default data appears.
Hi Michael,
You may use & save time by using below tips:-
SE93 – wild T-code search.
S000 – SAP default screen with menu list.
SM66 – check current transaction status ( Similar to windows Task list/*nix w)
SAP Parameter IDs – Parameter ID is the SAP term that refers to setting a default value so that a particular field is automatically filled in for you.
Url : /
Full list or add new custom param id
SM30 –> TPARA Table –> Display –> Application Hierarchy
PDF! – When viewing an output form in print preview, enter ‘PDF!’ into the command field at the top of the screen. A PDF Preview will be generated for printing or saving locally.
Sorry, I am not quite sure what you’re looking for… You can configure your Sales Screens (VA01, VA02, etc.) to default to a specific tab. I think this is called the “Screen Sequence” group.
/* + [t-code] acts just like/n + [t-code] but bypasses the first screen with using the default entry that SAP saved. ex – if viewing a sales order that as already viewed, this will by pass the first entry screen and uses whatever default data appears.
Thanks, Joedy. I finally got around to trying this and it works just as you described. I added this to the list above.
Hi Michael,
You may use & save time by using below tips:-
SE93 – wild T-code search.
S000 – SAP default screen with menu list.
SM66 – check current transaction status ( Similar to windows Task list/*nix w)
SAP Parameter IDs – Parameter ID is the SAP term that refers to setting a default value so that a particular field is automatically filled in for you.
Url : /
Full list or add new custom param id
SM30 –> TPARA Table –> Display –> Application Hierarchy
SM66 is system-wide active work processes. I wouldn’t call it “check current transaction status”
CTRL+Y is a life saver, thanks!
PDF! – When viewing an output form in print preview, enter ‘PDF!’ into the command field at the top of the screen. A PDF Preview will be generated for printing or saving locally.
Cool. I’ve got to try that!
/i to log off
Hi Michael.
/nEND is also similar to /nEX
PDF! Would be an awesome help, but alas it doesn’t work on our system.
please tell me the shortcut key to open item overview t-code va01
Sorry, I am not quite sure what you’re looking for… You can configure your Sales Screens (VA01, VA02, etc.) to default to a specific tab. I think this is called the “Screen Sequence” group.
Great site. I always like using /o to open a new window. After reading above I thought I’d give this one a shot . . . Works perfectly.
/o* + [T-code]
Same as /* + [T-code] above, but in addition opens in a new window.
Thanks for sharing, Greg.
Control +/